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AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning? Here's Why

AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning? Here’s Why

AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning? Here’s Why

Air conditioners are essential items in the summertime and when they don’t seem to be cooling properly, it is essential that you get to the root of the problem. To help, we have broken down one of the most common causes of ACs blowing air but not cold after cleaning and some useful tips to help you get it back on track.

What Causes ACs to Blow Air But Not Cool?

It is normal for your air conditioner to blow warm air if you haven’t used it for a while, as the cold air cools down the metal of the unit. However, it is not normal for your air conditioner to blow hot air after you have just cleaned your AC unit because of dust or debris.

This could be due to a range of reasons such as:
– Dirty Condenser Coils: When condenser coils become too full, grime or dirt can build up. This prevents the coils from transferring heat properly and affects the ability of the unit to produce cool air.
– Malfunctioning Thermostat: If the thermostat is not reading the right temperature accurately then the condenser will not run at the right temperature. Without a functioning thermostat, the compressor will turn off, meaning your air will not be cold.
– Faulty Fan Motor: A dysfunctional fan motor can often be the reason why your air conditioner is not streaming out cool air. A transformer failure can cause the fan to go on and off, so there is not a steady stream of air.

Clean Your Air Conditioner

One of the best ways to ensure that your air conditioner is cooling efficiently is to keep it clean. This includes cleaning the evaporator coils and the condenser coils. This will ensure that the system is clean and will help it to be more efficient.

It’s also important that you clean the outside of the unit and remove any debris or leaves that could be blocking the unit. You should check for any nests underneath the unit or in the ducts and take appropriate steps to address this.

Check the ductwork

Another potential cause of air not being cold after cleaning is a leaky duct. If the ductwork is leaking cool air, it will be weaker when it arrives at the outlet. This is because the air has already been chilled while passing through the ducts, meaning it will not be much cooler when it reaches you. To check for duct leaks use an aerosol leak detector spray, a smoke puffer or a duct pressure gauge.

Call an Expert

If you are still having issues with the air not being cold after cleaning the unit, then it is best to call an expert. A local reputable appliance repair service can help to diagnose and fix the issue and get your air conditioner running efficiently. Contacting a professional will save you time and money as they have the equipment and experience to determine the root cause of the problem and quickly get your air conditioner working again.

If you’ve recently cleaned your air conditioner and it is still blowing air but not cold, it may be time to call a professional. With the expert diagnosis and assistance from a reliable appliance repair service, your air will soon be blowing cool air once more. To get assistance from a local reliable appliance repair service, contact (866) 311-8590.

AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning? Here's Why
AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning? Here's Why
AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning? Here's Why

AC Blowing Air but Not Cold After Cleaning: Manufacturer, Local Appliance Companies and HVAC Technician Recommendations

It’s common for air conditioners to blow air but not be cold after being cleaned. To help avoid and identify this issue, manufacturers, local appliance companies and HVAC technicians offer a number of recommendations to keep in mind.

Manufacturer Recommendations

To help avoid AC blowing air but not cold after cleaning, manufacturers usually suggest a few preventive measures. These include:

  • Check and replace air filters on a regular basis. This is important as blocked filters can decrease air flow and cause the air conditioner to work inefficiently.

  • Clean the condenser unit of any debris and dust. A dirty condenser can block air flow and cause the air conditioner to activate its built-in thermostat for self-preservation, resulting in cooler air than intended.

  • Have the whole system professionally serviced at least once a year to ensure optimal performance. Professional technicians can detect and fix problems in the system before they become a major issue.

Local Appliance Companies Recommendations

Local appliance companies can offer tailored advice for preventing AC blowing air but not cold after cleaning issues. Many companies provide verification services to check the system is working as it’s supposed to. They also offer repair services in case of any defects.

Furthermore, some companies can also provide maintenance and diagnostic check-ups to detect problems in a timely manner. This helps to pinpoint any issues before they become major problems, as well as maximize the efficiency of the system.

HVAC Technician Recommendations

HVAC technicians are trained to work with air conditioners and can provide tips and advice to help prevent AC blowing air but not cold after cleaning problems.

These professionals usually suggest regular maintenance, such as checking and replacing the air filters and cleaning any dirt or debris from the condenser unit. They also offer diagnostic check-ups to detect any potential problems with the system, as well as repair services in case of any defects.

In addition, HVAC technicians can identify possible air leaks and provide guidance on proper insulation and air sealing to improve air flow and system efficiency.

To sum up, there are a number of measures that can be taken to help avoid AC blowing air but not cold after cleaning. Manufacturer, local appliance companies and HVAC technicians usually suggest: replacing air filters on a regular basis; cleaning the condenser unit of any debris and dust; and having the whole system professionally serviced at least once a year. Some companies provide verification services, as well as maintenance and diagnostic check-ups. HVAC technicians can also offer advice on identifying and fixing air leaks, as well as repairing any defects.

Advice for AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning

Are you having troubles getting cold air from your AC even after cleaning it? You may have to repair or replace it, and this could get costly. Before taking any action, you should contact a professional certified HVAC technician. Local Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating can help you at (866) 311-8590.

In California, repair costs for ACs blowing air but not cold after cleaning could range between $400 and $800. This already represents an increase of 20%, since the same service used to be cheaper before. In the case of complex repair, customers may be paying up to $1,400.

Price may vary if parts need to be replaced. These could include fan blades, fans, blower, condenser, compressor, wiring and tubing, thermostat, and filters. Materials may come in addition to the repair costs and could include duct seals, foil duct tape, R-6 duct insulation and/or other items.

The best advice is to contact Local Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating at (866) 311-8590 to get a professional evaluation before taking any action. Get your AC serviced by technicians who specialize in the installation, maintenance, and replacement of air conditioning systems. They will be able to provide a better estimation of repair costs.

AC Blowing Warm Air After Cleaning – What To Do Next?

It’s a common issue — you cleaned your air conditioner, only to find that it’s blowing out hot air instead of cold. Don’t panic — the call to a local California vendor may be just what you need.

California Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating is a family-owned business offering same-day service for all your appliance and HVAC repairs and installations. Our technicians are highly trained, with at least 5 years of experience in the field, so they know how to handle air conditioners that don’t seem to be cooling properly.

Best of all, we offer fair and affordable pricing so you won’t be left with a hefty bill after our work is done. Plus, all of our services come with a 90-day warranty, so you can relax knowing that your AC is in good hands.

If your AC is blowing warm air after being cleaned, don’t hesitate to call Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating. Our experienced and professional technicians will be happy to help get your air conditioner running as good as new.

FAQ on AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning?

What Causes a AC to Blow Air But Not Cold After Cleaning?

The most common reason your AC may be blowing air but not cold after cleaning is due to a restricted flow of air caused by a build-up of dust, lint or pet hair. This can be further exacerbated by an incorrect or relatively low Freon level.

How to Determine if Low Freon is the Cause of an AC’s Poor Performance?

The best way to determine if a low Freon level is the cause of your AC not blowing cold air after cleaning is to have a qualified technician perform a full-system diagnosis. They will check the Freon level, along with the condition of other critical system components like the compressor, coils and blowers.

How to Fix AC Blowing Air But Not Cold After Cleaning?

To fix an AC blowing air but not cold after cleaning, you must restore proper airflow through the system. This includes removing the build-up of dust, lint and pet hair and replacing the Freon if necessary. For this job, it is best to hire a qualified technician who is familiar with AC systems.

If your AC is blowing air but not cold after cleaning, it is best to call a local, reliable appliance repair service. They will be able to diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs in a timely, cost-effective manner. For quality work at a reasonable price, contact Local Reliable Appliance Repair at (866) 311-8590.

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