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What to Do When Your AC Isn't Blowing Air

What to Do When Your AC Isn’t Blowing Air

What to Do When Your AC Isn’t Blowing Air

During the hot summer months, air conditioning is a must in many households. Whether you rely on traditional window units or a more efficient central air conditioning, your AC is vital for keeping your home cool and comfortable. But when your AC isn’t blowing the cool air you expect, it’s time to troubleshoot the cause.

Common Reasons Your AC Isn’t Blowing Air

If your air conditioner isn’t blowing cool air like it used to, the manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedule could be the culprit. Poor air flow through your HVAC system can also be a sign of a failed or ailing air filter. For effective air flow throughout your home, air filters need to be replaced every two to three months.

A key component of your AC unit is its fan motor. If the motor fails, your AC won’t be able to blow air. The fan blade could also be an issue – if it’s worn or damaged, it won’t be able to move the air. In addition, reversible fan motors can fail to change direction, preventing your AC from blowing cooled air into your home.

Fixing Problems With Your Airflow

Start with the basics first and give your AC a good cleaning. Remove any debris that has settled in the condenser. Check to make sure the fan blades turn freely, and make sure the fan motor is in good condition. Check the fan belt for signs of wear and replace if necessary. If your AC still won’t blow air, it’s time to get professional help.

You can also have a professional inspect the ductwork for any obstructions. If the air ducts are blocked, your AC won’t be able to effectively cool and circulate air throughout your home. Your HVAC system may also not be getting enough electricity. It’s essential to make sure that connections are secure and all wiring is in good condition so your AC can get enough electrical power.

When to Call for Professional AC Repair Service

Even with a regular maintenance schedule and proactive care, your air conditioner might sometimes require professional service. If your air filter is changed regularly and other preventative maintenance has been performed, but your AC still won’t blow air, then you need to hire a professional AC repair service to look into the problem.

It’s important to act quickly if your air conditioning isn’t working properly. Waiting too long to have your AC issue repaired can cause more costly problems and can even damage other components of your cooling system. If your AC isn’t blowing air, the professionals at Local Reliable Appliance Repair can help. Our team of experienced technicians can diagnose and fix your AC issue quickly, so you can get cool and comfortable again in no time. Call Local Reliable Appliance Repair at (866) 311-8590 to schedule an appointment today.

What to Do When Your AC Isn't Blowing Air
What to Do When Your AC Isn't Blowing Air
What to Do When Your AC Isn't Blowing Air

AC Not Blowing Air: Prevention Steps to Take

Preventative maintenance is essential in order to ensure that air conditioning systems work properly and remain in good working condition. If the AC unit shows signs of not blowing air, the following preventive action should be taken to prevent a complete system breakdown.

Check the Power Supply

Firstly, the user should check that the power supply in the house is switched on, and the circuit breaker is functioning. If the power is on but the AC isn’t working, the user should check the power outlet for any sparks or heat coming off it, as this might be an indication that there is a wiring issue. If the wiring appears to be working, then the user should check the lead and circuit breaker for the AC.

Clean and Check the Filters

The user should regularly clean the air filters and check if they are adequately placed. Depending on the manufacturer’s instructions, the filters should be cleaned or changed every few months or year. Clogged and old filters can significantly reduce airflow, which will lead to poor performance of the AC. Dirty or clogged filters can stop the air-flow completely, which can in turn lead to the AC not blowing any air.

Check the Thermostat and Settings

The settings of the thermostat should also be checked. Malfunctioning units can affect the temperature readings, causing the AC not to blow cold air. Users should also check if the settings have been correctly updated. If the settings have been correctly adjusted, but the AC is still not blowing air, the user should replace the unit’s batteries.

Professional Inspection

If all the checks listed above fail to resolve the issue, then users should consider seeking professional help from technicians or a local appliance company. Professionals will be able to test the compressor, blower motor, and evaporator coil of the AC system to identify any problems. If a component is found to be faulty, manufacturer recommendations and local appliance companies can advise the user on replacements that are compatible and will fit the AC system.

Call Local Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating

In conclusion, the user should take preventive action to avoid AC not blowing air issues. Such steps include checking the power supply and circuit breaker, cleaning the filters, and checking the settings of the thermostat. If problems persist, users should consult with a professional technician or local appliance company to identify any component faults. For any needs related to AC not blowing air, we recommend to call Local Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating at (866) 311-8590.

Average Repair Cost for AC Not Blowing Air

An AC not blowing air issue is a common problem that usually requires quick services to restore your comfort. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be an expensive repair. The cost of repair depends on the type of system you have and the parts needed to make the repair.

Minimum Repair Cost: Typically, the minimum repair cost of an AC not blowing air issue is $100 to $400, with prices now up 20%, putting the costs range between $120-$480. The most common part replacements required in such a repair are the motor, blower, or fan capacitor and belts.

Complex Repair Cost: For a more complex repair, typical parts include a compressor, evaporator coil, ventilation fan, and thermostat, costing up to $1,500-$3,000, with current prices around $1,800-$3,600.

Itemized List of Parts Needed for AC Not Blowing Air Issue:

  • Motor: $50-$125
  • Blower or Fan Capacitor: $25-$50
  • Belts: $15-$45
  • Compressor: $300-$600
  • Evaporator Coil: $200-$400
  • Ventilation Fan: $150-$400
  • Thermostat: $75-$200

Most of the time, only a few of these parts are required to repair your AC not blowing air issue. In order to determine which part is needed, it’s essential to call an experienced and reliable AC technician. For top notch services, we recommend that you call Local Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating at (866) 311-8590.

What To Do When Your AC is Not Blowing Air

It’s a hot summer day and all you want is to relax in a nice and cool atmosphere! But instead, you find out that the air conditioning unit isn’t blowing air. It’s a nightmare situation that needs quick attention.

If your air conditioner isn’t blowing air, don’t panic. You can rely on Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating – a family-owned and operated business in California to get your AC up and running in no time.

Our highly-skilled technicians have a minimum of five years of experience in the field and they specialize in AC repair and installation. With our same-day services, we are able to quickly assess and diagnose the issue and provide an affordable and fair solution.

Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating is a licensed and insured company. Our repairs are guaranteed with a 90-day warranty for added peace of mind. We offer excellent customer service and are available 24/7 for your convenience.

Don’t wait until the last minute, call Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating to solve your air conditioning needs. Our knowledgeable and professional techs will be happy to get your cooling system back in working order again. With fair prices, 24/7 availability, and excellent customer service, you can count on us to get the job done!

FAQ: What To Do When Your AC Isn’t Blowing Air?

Q: How Can I Find Out If My AC Isn’t Blowing Air?

A: First, look for visible signs of airflow. If you don’t feel any cool air, check the condenser unit to examine whether the fan is spinning. Also, have someone else stand by the AC vents and listen for air coming out.

Q: What Are Some Common Causes of AC Not Blowing Air?

A: If your AC doesn’t turn on at all, the issue may be electrical. Check the power cords and fuses. Another common issue is when your fan motor is not functioning properly. Blocked condenser coils, a faulty blower motor, or a frozen evaporator coil are also potential causes.

Q: Should I Try to Fix My AC Issue Myself?

A: It’s generally not recommended as there could be serious issues that require specialized tools, knowledge, and experience to fix. It’s best to call a qualified and licensed HVAC technician to do the job safely and correctly.

Q: When Should I Call a Technician?

A: When your AC isn’t blowing air, you should call a technician to inspect the unit, diagnose the issue, and determine the best solution for you. Don’t hesitate to call for help if there’s something wrong with your AC.


For quality AC repair services, call Local Reliable Appliance Repair at (866) 311-8590.

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