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AC Not Working After Power Outage? Here's What You Can Do

AC Not Working After Power Outage? Here’s What You Can Do

AC Not Working After Power Outage? Here’s What You Can Do

Experiencing a power outage, followed by your air-conditioning (AC) unit not working correctly, is a stressful and potentially expensive problem. Homeowners can become overwhelmed with the thought of what could be wrong and how to fix it. However, there are steps you can take to investigate the situation and possibly avoid a costly repair bill. In this article, we provide tips on investigating and troubleshooting ACs that were affected by a power outage.

Understanding the Causes of ACs Not Working After Power Outage

There are several possible reasons your air-conditioner may not work after a power outage. A power surge during the power outage is one of the most common causes. A power surge is when there is an increase in power, lasting for a fraction of a second, that can cause electrical damage. Additionally, when the power comes back on, high-voltage electricity may enter and damage the capacitors, circuit boards, and other parts of the AC.

Another potential cause is that the power outage may have caused the AC’s condenser fan to fail, resulting in the refrigerant in the cooling system not properly evaporating and circulating. This can lead to the AC becoming too warm for the thermostat and shutting down as a result.

Troubleshooting Your AC Problem

There are a few measures you can take to troubleshoot an air-conditioner problem caused by a power outage. You should first inspect the unit to determine if there is a power surge. If you can see the wiring around the unit, inspect it for any signs of burn or melted insulation. This could signify an electrical problem within the AC that needs a careful assessment by a skilled technician.

The next step is to investigate the circuit board. If the power outage changed any wiring, then the circuit board could be damaged. Inspect the circuit board for any burnt or melted wiring, and if possible, check for any visible stones or shorts. Use a voltmeter to test the voltages at the circuit board and make sure they match. Also examine the circuit breakers and fuses, in case one was overloaded by the power surge and needs to be replaced.

Lastly, check the condenser fan. Make sure the fan is running and that the fan blades are spinning freely. A faulty fan can cause the AC unit to overheat, resulting in an AC shutdown.

Dealing with the Damages Done

If the problem you are experiencing with your AC has been due to a power outage, then there are few steps you should take to mitigate any long-term damage. Firstly, hire a certified technician to repair any damaged parts or systems. This technician can inspect the AC unit and provide you with an estimate repair cost.

Once you have the repairs made, it is important to consider purchasing a surge protector device to protect your AC unit and electrical systems against any future power spikes. Additionally, scheduling regular maintenance procedures can ensure the AC avoids any long-term damages.

It is advisable to reach out to a reliable, local appliance repair company for more tailored advice. This company can identify and address any specific problems your AC unit may encounter after a power surge.

Wrapping Up

Power outages can cause an array of issues for air-conditioners and other electrical units in the home. Investigation is key to understanding why the AC is not running correctly and what caused the damage. The most effective way to tackle the AC problem is to hire a certified technician and have the unit inspected for damage. Additionally, the owner should consider purchasing a surge protector and scheduling regular maintenance services to help avoid potential damages in the future. For further assistance, local appliance repairs are available to provide tailored advice.
Hire a local, reliable appliance repair such as Local Reliable Appliance Repair 311-8590 to help you get your AC running again. With years of experience, they can provide the best advice and solutions for your AC after a power outage.

AC Not Working After Power Outage? Here's What You Can Do
AC Not Working After Power Outage? Here's What You Can Do
AC Not Working After Power Outage? Here's What You Can Do

AC Not Working After Power Outage: Understanding and Preventing Issues

After a power outage, your air conditioning (AC) can stop working and require service or repair. Therefore, it is important to take preventive steps to avoid this issue. Below are manufacturer recommendations, local appliance companies’ or HVAC technician’s recommendations to help you reduce the risk of AC not working after a power outage.

Power Outage Preparedness

Before the power outage, you can take several steps to protect your AC in the event of power fluctuations or outages.

  • Make sure your AC’s power supply cord is plugged into a surge protector. Surge protectors can help to absorb any sudden electrical surges before they reach your AC’s circuitry.

  • Use a power protector for your whole home, such as a smart generator or a transfer switch. Smart generators turn on automatically when their internal sensors detect a sudden drop in power. The transfer switch automatically switches your AC’s power supply to a backup generator during an outage.

  • Consider installing a system that monitors your AC’s power supply and shuts it down during power outages.

Maintenance and Inspections

Regular maintenance and inspections of your AC system can greatly reduce the chances that your AC will not work after a power outage. Therefore, it is recommended to:

  • Have your AC system inspected and maintenance serviced regularly. During an inspection, your HVAC technician will check the components, such as the compressor, blower motor and other components and can identify and potential issue prior to a power outage.

  • Inspect and clean the air filters on a regular basis, as dirty air filters can reduce airflow and cause your AC to run inefficiently.

  • Make sure your AC’s refrigerant charge is at the appropriate level and is leak-free.


Your air conditioning system is an important part of your home and to ensure its peak performance, you must regularly maintain and inspect it. Following the above-mentioned recommendations from appliance companies’ or HVAC technicians and manufacturer help to reduce the risk of AC not working after a power outage. If you experience any issues with your AC, it is best to contact a reliable HVAC technician to service and repair your AC.

Average Repair Cost for “AC Not Working After Power Outage”

If your air conditioner (AC) is not working after a power outage, you may have to get it repaired. The average cost of repair or installation can vary depending on the complexity of the issue and the cost of materials. Let’s take a look at the minimum repair or installation cost, and the complex repair or installation cost in the City of California.

The minimum repair or installation cost for an AC not working after the power outage is around $150. This cost covers the labor plus any necessary parts. However, if the issue is more complex, the cost will also increase. In this case, it can easily reach up to $250 for the repair/installation, with the cost of materials being extra.

The parts that could be necessary for repair include:

  • New thermostat
  • New air filters
  • Electrical wiring
  • Electrical components
  • Refrigerants
  • AC replacement parts

For the best professional advice on repairing an AC not working after a power outage, we recommend you call Local Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating at (866) 311-8590. Their experienced and skillful technicians will help you get your AC working again in no time while keeping the cost to a minimum.

AC Not Working After Power Outage: When You Need Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating

No one ever wants to experience their air conditioner not working after a power outage. Even more annoying is not knowing who to turn to for help. Thankfully, California residents have one trusted local option.

Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating is a family-owned company that offers same-day service for appliance and HVAC repair and installations. They’re highly trained and qualified technicians with a minimum of five years experience in the field. Not only that, but Reliable is licensed and insured, and they offer fair and affordable pricing.

In addition, Reliable offers a 90-day warranty on all repairs. This adds peace of mind in knowing that the job will be done correctly, and that the parts and service are top-notch.

If you’re in California and in need of quality HVAC service, look no further than Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating. With quick and efficient work, guaranteed satisfaction, and friendly service, you’ll be back in the cool air in no time.

FAQ on AC Not Working After Power Outage

Q) What Should I Do When My AC Is Not Working After a Power Outage?

A) A power outage can cause different types of damage to your air conditioner depending on the type, age and condition of your AC. If the power outage only lasts for a short time, you’ll likely notice your AC will come back on once the power is restored. However, if the power outage lasted for an extended period of time, causing your AC to be off for some time, you should call a local, reliable appliance repair service to check your AC for possible damage. An experienced and reliable service will be better equipped to diagnose the source of your AC not working after a power outage and provide an accurate repair.

Q) What Kind of Damage Could be Caused By a Power Outage?

A) During a power outage your AC unit may be affected in a variety of ways. The surge of electricity that typically happens when the power is restored could cause a number of issues such as blown fuses, circuit breaker trips, and blown wires. If a power surge is too strong to be handled by your AC’s electrical system, the compressor may be damaged and won’t be able to turn back on. Also, the condenser fan may not turn back on after a power outage, causing the AC unit to run too hot and burn out the compressor.

Q) Can I Repair My AC Unit Myself if it Stopped Working After a Power Outage?

A) Air conditioners are complicated machines and require knowledge of the various parts and systems involved. If your AC isn’t working after a power outage and you’d like to repair it yourself, you may end up damaging the unit more and it could potentially be dangerous if you don’t have training and experience dealing with electricity and HVAC systems. It’s best to call a reliable local appliance repair service if your AC isn’t working after a power outage.

If your AC isn’t working after a power outage, we recommend reaching out to a reliable local appliance repair service, like Local Reliable Appliance Repair at (866) 311-8590.

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